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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Burning Debris


  Hey everyone, We're back to see how all is going with the everyday grind of packing the kids around in your car this summer.  Car safety for kids is hoping that all the Parents will drive this summer like their child's life depends on it.  When you load up the car, don't Over load It and then Put your child in also.  When you drive a vehicle that is overloaded and then drive fast, you put My life and all those riding in your car in danger.
   Car safety for kids would like everyone to know, that the throwing of burning debris from your car at this time of year is not the smartest thing you can do.  The fine that goes along with this type of behavior is one that continues to Amaze me.  When a person throwing burn debris from a moving vehicle, then they show me that they don't care, about the lives of other peoples Kids or pets they harm. 

  Pleas, take it upon yourself to turn in anyone you see this summer breaking the Law with their car.  Car safety for kids is on the look out for those who would hurt your child or mine with an automobile.  Almost every car has a cell phone in them, there is No reason for so many highway deaths of children riding in cars they don't drive. 

Please become a follower and leave a comment and how we can make this site better. 

 Thank you for your Help.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Holiday Travel


   Holiday travel is one of the busiest times for the road crews. The Medical teams that help those in need, along the roads during these times of peril Remembering that your Kids mean more to you than your car, So slow down and save a life. It may be your kids life you save! I will in the next few day fill in the blanks with information on Child safety hints and Ideas for the Holidays.  Please, return often as new links will be add daily! In order to help you find safe products for your children. 

   God Bless you, Please Hug your Child Today!

   When the dumb driver gets behind the wheel drunk of a motor vehicle, you don't blame the Alcohol for the wreck. Toxicology tests later showed the Dumb driver's in the link had a blood alcohol level that was more than three times the legal limit. Car safety for Kids knows that only the adults are responsible for the wrecks and deaths on the roads! We understand before receiving the driver's license that it is an honesty bar, now drive like you don't care, if your child lives or dies. 
   God Bless you, Please Hug your Child Today!


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